Data Theft

Data Theft

Date: September 20, 2023

In today’s digital age, data has become the lifeblood of business worldwide. Companies invest heavily in cybersecurity measures to protect their sensitive information from external threats, but sometimes the danger lies within. Data theft cases between employees and employers have been on the rise, posing significant challenges for organizations across industries.

Every business owns certain information that is private or proprietary. Employee can often steal data relatively easily using just their email account, a USB stick, or even a phone with a good camera. Since the information is digital, it can be challenging to protect it from employee intent on stealing it for their use or causing harm to the company.

The Nature of Data Theft

Data theft between employees and employers can take many forms, ranging from the theft of intellectual property, customer data, trade secrets, financial records, and even personal information.

Data theft can take several forms, including: Physical Threat, Unauthorized, Hacking and Phishing, etc….

Data theft between employees and employers poses significant risks to businesses and individuals alike. In Myanmar, civil lawsuit and criminal actions are also taken against employees involved in data theft.

Civil Lawsuit: Civil actions involve legal proceedings in which employer seeks compensation or remedies from alleged wrongdoing by employee.

Criminal Lawsuit: Criminal actions are also taken against employees involved in data theft. Criminal charges can result in fines, imprisonment or both.

Data theft between employers and employees is a concern in the digital era. Employers in Myanmar have recourse through both civil and criminal legal actions to address these breaches. It is crucial for employers to be aware of their rights and legal options when faced with data theft incidents, as well as to consult legal counsel to navigate the complexities of the legal system effectively. By doing so, employers can protect sensitive information, uphold their rights, and ensure accountability for those responsible for data theft.